While South Australia's road toll has decreased over the past decade, young drivers are still over-represented in road crashes, much more so than older age groups
Young drivers are at greatest risk of being involved in a crash in their first year of driving unsupervised when they are on their P-Plates. Lack of experience, night-time driving and the presence of peer-aged passengers all contribute to an increased crash risk for young drivers.
The fact is young drivers need significant on-road driving experience before their crash risk decreases. The new rules, like restricting late-night driving and peer-aged passengers until young drivers gain more driving experience will save lives.
Austroads (2008), The Crash and Offence Experience of Newly Licensed Young Drivers, Sydney, AP-R331/08
No driving between midnight and 5am | |
No more than one passenger aged 16-20 |
Hazard Perception Test for Learners | |
Time on Your Ps | |
Removing Regression |