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Road rules

Rules for Riding Motorised Scooters and Skateboards in South Australia

A trial of e-scooters (electric scooters) has been approved to take place in the Adelaide CBD.
Find all information about the trial here. Find all rules here.

What is a motorised wheeled recreational device?

A motorised wheeled recreational device is a personal transportation device that is propelled with an electric motor. Examples include:

  • Self-balancing two-wheeled boards, also known as
    • Hoverboards
    • Self-balancing scooters
  • Segways
  • Self-balancing unicycles
  • Electric skateboards
  • Electric scooters

Note: Electric scooters referred to here do not include motorised wheelchairs and scooters typically used by people with mobility difficulties.

Some motorised wheeled recreational devices can travel at speeds of up to 26km/h and may not be fitted with adequate brakes, lights or warning indications to interact safely with other road users and pedestrians.

Some examples of Motorised Wheeled Recreational Devices

Electric unicycle
Electric unicycle

Electric scooter
Electric scooter

Electric hoverboard
Electric hoverboard


Electric skateboard
Electric skateboard

Can I ride a motorised wheeled recreational device on a road, footpath or bike track?
No. These devices cannot be used on roads or road related areas such as foot paths, bike/pedestrian tracks, or vehicle parking areas.   Under South Australian legislation, these devices are considered to be motor vehicles. Operating a motor vehicle requires a driver’s licence, registration and compulsory third party insurance. As these devices do not meet the safety standards under the Australian Design Rules they are not eligible for registration.

What about powered assisted wheeled recreational devices advertised as toys? Can they be used on a road, footpath or bike track?
No. Many power-assisted wheeled recreational devices available for purchase online or through retail stores are often sold as toys, depicting children riding them.  Regardless of the power output of the motor fitted to the device, they cannot be used on roads or road related areas such as footpaths, bike/pedestrian tracks, or vehicle parking areas.

Where can I ride a motorised wheeled recreational device?
These devices can only be used on private property. Failure to comply could result in fines for driving unregistered and uninsured and in some instances for not holding the appropriate driver’s licence.

Can I ride a non-motorised wheeled recreation device on a road, footpath or bike track?
A wheeled recreational device that is not fitted with a motor and is propelled solely by human power or gravity can be used on footpaths, bike/pedestrian tracks, parks and in some circumstances on roads. Examples of these devices include:

  • Skateboards
  • Foot scooters
  • Rollerblades
  • Roller skates

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